

Alessio and I have gone through the exercise of calculating the chi^2 of
the consistency of our data with a grid of values of lambda_bar and
lambda_1. This is an evolution of Urs's study in
since it is done with the full reweighting and with a chi^2 on the
background subtracted distribution of Mxhadfit.
This are done with the new 1D reweighting and therefore the default is
BRBR = 0.0219733 +- 0.00265286(stat) +- 0.000977835(MC stat)

The raw results are in
Out of them, I produced the plot of the deltaChi^2 wrt to the minimum as a
function of lambda_bar and l1 in
where the three contours are at deltaChi^2=1 , deltaChi^2 =2.25 (1 sigma)
and deltaChi^2=5. There is a funny rectangle at the bottom, but this is
just a plotting feature. The ellipse represents the assumed values in our
analysis. It is to be noted that the fit prefers slightly higher values of
lambda_bar and  of lambda_1.
The long tail from CLEO is completely excluded.

In order to show the level of consistency of our assumed values and the
fit results, I show the fit projections:

deltaChi^2 vs lambda_bar
vs lambda_1
and vs BrBr
In these plots the arrows indicate the 1sigma contours of our assumed
values. I would say that we are consistent although the central value of
our fit lies ~1sigma from our assumed value, which is possible.

I would say this is the way we should go but I would not be ready to make
these plots ufficial yet: what is the impact of the detector? Is there a
binning effect?
Claiming that we get an error on BRBR of about 10% which is what we would
claim from the last plot I show needs lots more Xchecks. It basically
means that we discard this configuration
at the two sigma level wrt to
the best chi^2 which is obtained in

	can we get together to discuss this sometime today? can we use
these plots in the discusion with CLEO anyhow?