

Dear Colleagues,
  The German Committee for Elementary Particle 
Physics (KET) has released an english version 
of a report it issued in November 2002.
It contains the following five recommendations 
in its executive summary:

Recommendation 1: Highest priority is given to
the swift completion of the Large Hadron
Collider LHC under construction at CERN
and of the LHC detectors, so that the facility
can commence operation in 2007.

Recommendation 2: The next large international 
particle physics project should be a
high-energy and high beam-intensity
electron-positron linear collider. Germany
should make a significant contribution to
such a facility, wherever it is built in the
world under international cooperation.

Recommendation 3: The efforts to build the
TESLA electron-positron linear collider under
international cooperation at DESY in the
near future are strongly supported.

Recommendation 4: Until the completion of the
LHC, the continuation of the experiments at
HERA and of German participation at the
Tevatron is recommended. Furthermore,
within the scope of available resources,
participation in the B-factories and in
neutrino and non-accelerator particle
physics projects should be made possible.
Recommendation 5: Research and development
into accelerator and detector technologies
must be continuously pursued.

The full document in various formats is
available at:

Norman Graf