

Dear Colleagues,
 DOE's Basic Energy Sciences Advisory Committee met October 20-21.
With the notable exception of Dr. Orbach's "News from the Office 
of Science" all the presentations are now available on the web at:

Here are just a few highlights from Patricia Dehmer's 
"News from the Office of Basic Energy Sciences" talk:

o FY 2004 budget update
   -House Mark is +$8M for facility ops
   -Senate Mark is at the President's Request
   -Awaiting House-Senate conference and then appropriation.
   -Continuing Resolution until 10-31-03 at the FY 2003 level 
    with no new starts.

o FY 2005 budget update
   -Embargoed, but:

     The surplus has given way to a deficit
     There exist significant international financial obligations
     ==> "Gloom-and-doom" budget predictions for discretionary 
         spending in FY 05 and beyond  (i.e., the same predictions
         as in most of the recent past years)

     ==> Science activities will succeed only if they are: 
         + compelling;
         + important; 
         + nonredundant; 
         + well justified;
         + well managed; 
         + nationally and internationally coordinated, as appropriate; 
         + supported by:
            the community, 
            the Administration, 
            and the Congress.

     ==> It will take a lot of work, considerable luck, and everyone 
          pulling in the same direction to succeed (i.e., the same 
          as in most years).  

     Nothing should be taken for granted.

Norman Graf