

Hi Ric, all,

so far my understanding of the mismatch in the 2002 signal MC files had
been, that at the tcl and hbook file level filenames containing "mix"
actually refered to nres MC and the other way round.

However, my impression is, that this is only partially the case. When I
take the runnumbers I get from your reduced ntuples from 2002 and try to
trace those numbers in the 2002 tcl files it looks like the files
vubmix-2002-new2002-n.tcl with 61<=n<=75
contain "mix" in their names AND refer to mix signal MC.
Looking at the mxhadgen spectrum from these files it clearly looks like
hybrid model to me.

So I guess what we should do is use our rootfiles coming from these tcl
files for the hybrid signal MC rather than renaming them and take them as
nonresonant. Do you agree?


On Mon, 10 Nov 2003, Riccardo Faccini wrote:

> Hello Kerstin,
> I have found the reason for the mismatch you were seing in the 2002 files.
> It is a Sarti effect which is already registered in
> file names got swapped between hybrid and non-resonant, but the situation
> was adjusted when doing h2root. The problem is that the tcl files still
> have the names swapped!
> This is quite dangerous. I wander if we should make a new directory and
> make the appropriate files, to make sure we do not screw up in future
> tests...
> 	ciao
> 	ric