


we are trying to use VubFit now. However, already our test fails to
reproduce the result for |Vub| I find in BAD 540v9 while the branching
ratio ratio is in agreement with what you give there.
I get the following number:
Vub(*10-3) = 4.49963 +- 0.274449(stat) +- 0.101763(MC stat)

This is how I called VubFit:
VubFit -Theosys -Mes mesparsetting.dat -F fit-p00 -D some_directory -C
fits/subsetsTheo/s00.dat -s all -P s00_

I got copied the fit-p00 files from Urs, here is the contents:
fileVubTotal          /u/ec/ursl/root/anaQA-p00/csx-vubmix.root
fileVubTotalres       /u/ec/ursl/root/anaQA-p00/csx-vubmix.root
fileVubTotalnres      /u/ec/ursl/root/anaQA-p00/csx-vubnre.root
fileVcb               /u/ec/ursl/root/anaQA-p00/csx-genb-new.root
fileData              /u/ec/ursl/root/anaQA-p00/csx-data.root

and for the first test I used those files.

What should we do differently? Or are there any corrections that need to
be applied for the results to be comparable?
