


Daniele provided us with some code to produce the plots. When I compare
the output to your plots in the BAD on page 73 I find some differences.

My plot can be found here:

At least the following points seem to be different:
- first plot the third data point, maybe also the second.
- second plot the the sixth data point, maybe also the third and fifth
- third plot the errors bars and the sixth and eighth data point

Is it correct to compare my plot with the one on page 73 of the BAD (v9)?
And if yes what could be the reason for the differences?

I used the following histograms:
plot 1:
mxonebdata, mxoneballmc, mxoneballbkg, mxonebscaleoth
plot 2:
mxdata, mxallmc, mxallbkg, mxscaleoth
plot 3:
mxsubdata, mxscalevub
