

Hi Daniele,

thanks a lot for answering.

> how those numbers compare with the fit results? It looks like they are
> worse that the fit ones. They are not a result of an mes fit (I suppose),
> then I would say that  the differences are all in the combinatorics (that
> is consistent with a removal of BAD breco modes).

There was no mes fit, we just compared the bare reduced ntuples, no other
cuts than shown in the table.

> another point. Which is the option "-d" you are using? -4 or -8. If you
> have -4 you will pick up only events with a lepton. Even the number
> of events with |Gvxbtyp|==7 can depend on this.

Most of the time we were using -d 4. Is that what you used for your
reduced ntuples? Recently we put in another possibility of -d 16 which
only writes out events with fVub>0 (since we got D and D* and D** peaks in
mxhadgen which we picked up from the other side when the signal lepton was
a tau) and this actually makes us loose some leptons and events with
|Gvxbtyp|!=7 (I just recognized this..). Thanks for the hint.

> > Ric mentioned earlier that small differences can be due to minor changes
> > in the (Breco) code. But we think Alessio said that the instructions page
> > for IslBrecoilUser has the tags that you actually used when producing your
> > ntuples. We used the tags given there as well. If we used the same tags,
> > how can we get differences in the ntuples?
> >
> > One more question about the Gvxbtyp variable as it is filled in
> > mcTruth.icc:
> > If two semileptonic B decays are present in one event Gvxbtyp is set to
> > the value that corresponds to one of these decays while the information
> > about the other one is lost for this variable (e.g. in your nonres file,
> > there are events for which this variable is not 7 or -7 although each of
> > the events contains one b B -> X_u l nu decay). Why are you doing it this
> > way?
> in general, when you have two semiletponic decays, you will not have any
> peak in mes. Then, if you extract your yields by mes fit, those cases are
> not interesting at all (they will be subtracted).

Ok, thanks,