

Hi all,
I've performed the test proposed by Ric to test fit instability of other
I've taken the histograms of mX from the old fit code
(VubAnalysis) and I've plugged them into the new one (VirVubFitter) and
I've got identical results.

So It's not a matter of the fitting code but of the mx histogram itself...

The code I've use to perform the test can be found in

The comparison of mX histos can be found here:

You can also find, for each bin, the bin content and bin error (in order
to rule out any effect due to large discrepancy in errors associated to
the bins). As you can see the agreement is reasonable.

I DO NOT see any reason for such behaviour
(huge difference in fit results of oth component)
apart from the instrinsic
instability of the oth component fit alone.
>From now on I'll switch to the JOINT fit of other and vcb components (that
will become the default for the new FITTER).

Let me know if you'd like to see any further investigation of the problem.

I'm continuing investigating the other open issue concerning the mES fit
Page with fit instructions will be circulated soon.

Alessio Sarti     Universita' & I.N.F.N. Ferrara

>>>I'm in Ferrara<<<

 tel  +39-0532-974328  Ferrara
roma  +39-06-49914338
SLAC +001-650-926-2972

"... e a un Dio 'fatti il culo' non credere mai..."
(F. De Andre')

"He was turning over in his mind an intresting new concept in
Thau-dimensional physics which unified time, space, magnetism, gravity
and, for some reason, broccoli".  (T. Pratchett: "Pyramids")