


I have a question concerning the instructions for IslBrecoilUser at

One is instructed to make several links:
ln -s /nfs/farm/babar/AWG11/PID/tables/2000-r10     pidtables-2000
ln -s /nfs/farm/babar/AWG11/PID/tables/2001-r10     pidtables-2001
ln -s /nfs/farm/babar/AWG11/PID/tables/2002-b1-r10  pidtables-2002

ln -s /nfs/farm/babar/AWG11/PID/tables/2002-b1-r10  pidtables

and nearly at the bottom of the instructions page I find the following
statement about run:
"run" is a script for job submission. It sets environment variables
automatically (as long as your tcl files adhere to some standards):

it assigns per-year PidTables

However, when I use run for the jobsubmission using tclfiles from the
directory given at the page as well
($BFROOT/www/Physics/Analysis/AWG/InclusiveSL/islrecoil/tcl/signconc) and
look into the logfiles it looks like always the pidtables link as it is
given above gets used (pointing to 2002-b1-r10) rather than set to
pointing to the correct year.
The comment above seems to say that run takes care that the correct
pidtables are used.

How can I understand that?
