

Hello experts,

we need your help, please read this mail until the end.

We are trying to run over your signal MC and write out all events (also
the events without Breco candidate with the aim to get unbiased
information on mxhadgen for the unfolding of the m_X spectrum). Following
the instructions of
but using analysis-13b instead of analysis-13 and replacing Linux2 by
Linux24 in the following, the only other change we did was in IbuIsl.tcl:
instead of
# -- Dump semileptonic events on generator level
# mod talk CompBRecoNtpDump
# mod talk CompIbuNtpDump
#  verbose set f
#  dumpAllSemiLep set 1
#  show
# exit
we used
# -- Dump semileptonic events on generator level
# mod talk CompBRecoNtpDump
 mod talk CompIbuNtpDump
#  verbose set f
  dumpAllSemiLep set 1

We found some inconsistencies when comparing the file for which the
following tclfile was used:

with the following of your files:

For example:
                               your file       our file
# events in file                  849             896
# B0 (from modeB0)                574             623
# chB (from modeChB)              539             579

To run anaQA on our file we needed to make two changes to it:
as a default, fBRecoFlavor is =0 (now) and for events with
dnB0Lund[indexbestB]==0 (all n for charged, n==1 for neutral B)
fBrecoFlavor does not get changed (in util.icc) and
tmppurB =
does not get set for modeB<10000 (in
We checked that this and the original anaQA give the same results for the
variables quoted below on your file.

after running anaQA on these files:
# events from mxhadgen            768             816
# events w/ pcms>1.                23              18
# events w/ pcms>0.                29              25

For the # of events from mxhadgen we required brecoflav==0 here (without
this requirement we get 9218 for our file).

So our file has more events and more B candidates but less leptons in
these regions of pcms.

Since we did not understand that, we made a dummy check:

We try to run and just write out only the events with Breco
candidate and compare with your root-tuples, we already find differences
in the number of events that were written when we run over the same

We used IbuIsl.tcl with
# -- Dump semileptonic events on generator level
# mod talk CompBRecoNtpDump
# mod talk CompIbuNtpDump
#  verbose set f
#  dumpAllSemiLep set 1
#  show
# exit

Here is what we did:
We followed the instructions of
but took analysis-13b instead of analysis-13 (and replaced Linux2 by
Linux24 in the following instructions as well as RH62 by RH72) and
compiled locally. We used the run script for the submission of a job with
the following tcl file:

with the following command:
../IslBrecoilUser/run -q bfobjy -l $SCRATCH/log -r
$SCRATCH/output -w 20 ../bin/Linux24/IslBrecoilUserApp

after h2r we compared the resulting rootfile with the following of your

and we find some discrepancies.
For example:
                               your file       our file
# events in file                  849             896
# B0 (from modeB0)                574             623
# chB (from modeChB)              539             579

after running anaQA on these files:
# events from mxhadgen            768             816
# events w/ pcms>1.                23              18
# events w/ pcms>0.                29              25

So our file, which should be identical to your original one, has more
events and more B candidates but less leptons in these regions of pcms.

Is there a way to understand these discrepancies? Is the file we use for
comparison the correct one to use?  Are we doing anything wrongly?

Any answer will be appreciated,