


  on Dec 9th we had shown a preliminary unfolded m_X spectrum, where
  some things still needed to be changed.

  1) At that time the unfolding treated the data as if it just had
     normal sqrt(N)-errors on each bin. We changed this such that
     now the actual error from the fit is taken.

  2) We are no longer performing the fit with our equidistant binning.
     Instead, we just feed in the results from fits with the default
     binning for vubcomp, vcbcomp, errvcbcomp, othcomp and errothcomp
     and do all the other things with our binning (m_ES-subtraction,
     bkgd-subtraction, ...).

  3) Third, we now unfold taking into account the multiplicity categories.
     For this, we use the m_X spectra from data and signal MC divided
     up into the five usual multiplicity categories.
     This is done as follows:
     * We determine weights for the reconstructed signal MC such that its
       relative multiplicity category population is the same as in data,
       i.e. we apply the following weight to signal MC to multiplicity
       category (mc) i

          w_mc^i =  dr_mc^i / br_mc^i

       where dr_mc^i is the relative population of multiplicity category i
       in data and br_mc^i is the relative population of reconstructed
       multiplicity category i in signal MC.

     * The (m_X!) detector response matrix (that is used for the
       unfolding) is determined for each multiplicity category
       separately A_mx^i and these matrices are added up with the same
       weight w_mc^i per multiplicity category that is applied to the
       reconstructed signal MC:

          A_mx = A_mx^i * w_mc^i (sum over i)

       to give the detector response matrix that is used for the

     * We then determine the weights for the generated multiplicity
       categories by requiring that the resulting spectrum (i.e.
       reweighted generated multiplicity category spectrum x_mc^rew)
       yields the reweighted reconstructed multiplicity category spectrum
       b_mc^rew when applying the multiplicity category detector response
       matrix, i.e. the requirement is

         A_mc x_mc^rew = b_mc^rew.

       (same principle as for m_X, A_mc is the matrix mediating between
       the generated and the reconstructed distribution

	  A_mc x_mc = b_mc

       with x_mc being a vector with the population of the generated
       multiplicity categories, b_mc being the vector for the reco mc.)

       We use the weights we obtained this way for the generated
       multiplicity categories to reweight the generated m_X spectrum,
       which we use for the unfolding.

  Here is the current plot:

  where the blue distribution is the reweighted generated m_X distribution
  that is used for the initialization, the black data points are the
  unfolded spectrum and the green distribution is the scaled measured
  spectrum, which is unfolded.

  Assuming that the data sample contains about 89 Mio BBbar pairs and
  taking the branching fractions from PDG assuming equal numbers of
  neutral and charged B one would expect to see about 24000 pis and
  35000 rhos. We do not see any inconsistency between these numbers and
  the unfolded spectrum.

  We will be glad to get some feedback on this as well as your opinion
  concerning the dominant systematic errors (what they are and how they
  should be evaluated).
