

Hi all,

we lately had quite some problems running the VirVubFit, probably related
to reading and writing from the scratch area. In many cases the jobs just
were not able to read in this file:
/u/ec/asarti/Unfol13b/VubAnalysis/datasec/csx-gen-New.root which is on
scratch space if I am not mistaken. Resubmitting helped in all cases if
done often enough.

The reduced signal MC ntuples which we are using (those that have all
events, not only those with Breco candiates) are on scratch space as well.

I noticed yesterday that there seems to be another problem. The jobs do
not seem to be able to read all events from those files:
Error in <TTree::Write>: No file open,  while reading the files. And I
find different numbers of events in the output histos for different runs
of the VirVubFit. At the moment so many events are left out (something
like a factor of 0.5) that I do not feel comfortable using the results
from the new files. What I have done so far does not seem to be affected,
but doing other things like varying Lambdabar is not really possible with
Could this also be related to the reading and writing issues on scratch

Is there enough space on the AWG disk to move the reduced ntuples there?
The two signal MC ones are 1.1G together.
