

today we had a meeting to discuss details of the production. It was agreed
that :
 - we will run on CM2 skimmed collections as much as possible and resort
to CM2 unskimmed or CM1 only if stuck.
 - we will start dumping only skimmed events, in any case. I believe all
studies done with 'all signal events' can be done using a combination of
GeneratorsQA and ntuples on skimmed events. Please think of it and
prepare an argument against this statement: running on unskimmed stuff is
extremely painful in CM2 and would also need some code development.
 - here is the production order. Productions are coordinated by Henning
unless otherwise stated
	* skim cocktail SP5 (Daniele)
	* run1-3 skimmed
Here finishes what is currently available, the rest should be available
when the above production is over
	* SP6 generic MC
	*  run4  (65fb-1) skimmed
	* SP5 generic MC

I would say that we should how long it takes to run the first two items
and how much of the rest is available when the first two items are done.

- disk space: daniele will partition the available disk while Henning
takes care of cleaning the unneeded material
