

Hi Ric,

I would still like to have all the true bsg decays written out in the
cocktail. As far as I can see it, this is the most straightforward way to
study photon efficiencies as a function of energy and correct for possible
biases in a _consistent framework_, without having to start some
patchworking. I think we learned from the hadr. mass moment analysis that
this needs to be done.
>From an earlier email I remember that 'filtering on the truth block
requires little more work but is technically feasible'.

I realise that it takes longer to run over all cocktail events as the
Breco candidate needs to be reconstructed but suppose that that was also
the case in the summer 2002 production.
Then, it took me (alone) 1 or 2 days to run over all the available
cocktail, ~3.5M events, so this shouldn't delay the production much.


On Tue, 20 Apr 2004, Riccardo Faccini wrote:

> today we had a meeting to discuss details of the production. It was agreed
> that :
>  - we will run on CM2 skimmed collections as much as possible and resort
> to CM2 unskimmed or CM1 only if stuck.
>  - we will start dumping only skimmed events, in any case. I believe all
> studies done with 'all signal events' can be done using a combination of
> GeneratorsQA and ntuples on skimmed events. Please think of it and
> prepare an argument against this statement: running on unskimmed stuff is
> extremely painful in CM2 and would also need some code development.
>  - here is the production order. Productions are coordinated by Henning
> unless otherwise stated
> 	* skim cocktail SP5 (Daniele)
> 	* run1-3 skimmed
> Here finishes what is currently available, the rest should be available
> when the above production is over
> 	* SP6 generic MC
> 	*  run4  (65fb-1) skimmed
> 	* SP5 generic MC
> I would say that we should how long it takes to run the first two items
> and how much of the rest is available when the first two items are done.
> - disk space: daniele will partition the available disk while Henning
> takes care of cleaning the unneeded material
> 	ciao
> 	ric