

Hi Urs,

 I had a discussion with Riccardo about this. Since the we keep the muon
ID done at the Beta level (we don't reweight it at ntuple level) we could
leave the two things separated and do not apply again the Kaon rejection.
 We would be in favour of leaving things the way they are now in the HEAD.
BTW if we put kaon ID also for the leading lepton the effect will be even
smaller (o(10-3)) since it will be reduced since we measure a ratio of
BRs. It is not a very crucial issue and we don't have a strong opinion
on this.


> in principle  muon ID  already contains  a veto on  kaon ID  (that was
> built in  to remove the kaon  in-flight decays some time  ago), so the
> fact that you  see a small effect is maybe by  having a different veto
> selector than what we use for kaon ID.
> I think the  fix should be where the leading  lepton is identified. It
> is a "feature" that kaon ID overrides muon ID.
> I don't think  it affects our signal. Muons that  are kaons should not
> enter the signal. Of course, it does affect the depleted sample.
> Cheers,
> --U.