

Hi Kerstin,

> I think I do not get your point, sorry.

I will try to be clear

> First, how can you have nle==1 && nchg==0? The lepton is included in nchg,
> so if you have a lepton, nchg is at least 1, correct?

in our old symbols nchg = 0 means 0 tracks in the X system. Then my nchg =
0 is your nchg = 1. Sorry for the confusion. I will use your convention in

> Second, we do not see what this other category for the unfolding should
> look like. It would need to have a consistent definition between reco and
> truth level.
> We could make a category that has nchg==1&&nneu==0, but it would be (at
> least nearly) empty on the reco side since these events do not pass the
> cuts. It would be empty on the truth side because there are no such
> signal events at truth level, correct?

You could have some categories at the truth level and some other
categories at the reconstructed level. For instance, suppose you have
pilnu at MC level. This event will have nchg = 2 and nneu = 0. Suppose you
loose the charged track, then this event will be in the category nchg = 1
and nneu = 0, that at the moment you are neglecting. In principle this
event can give some information about the original MC mode because the
probability to have nchg = 1 and nneu = 0 at the reconstructed level is
higher for pilnu than for a1lnu, for example.

If it is not clear we can chat on the phone about this.

> In the MC I looked at I did not see any reco'd events passing the cuts so
> how could one reduce the statistical error?

are you saying that after all analysis cuts there is no event in the
category nchg = 1 and nneu = 0? What if you remove Qtot = 0 cut?
