

Hello Everyone,

there is now some generic BB available in the bookkeeping and I ran over
as much as I could before problems with the dataservers occured and the
objy outage.

The following # events are in the bookkeeping and available for the
different run periods
run1a, run1b, run2a, run2b, run3, run4 (in that order)

root files are in
(corresponding tcl files are in /nfs/babar/recoil/prod2004/tcl/...)

generic B0:
Selected 6 collections, 254702/4070000 events, ~0.0/pb
Selected 13 collections, 1197882/18918000 events, ~0.0/pb
Selected 16 collections, 3282756/51345826 events, ~0.0/pb
Selected 11 collections, 2447999/38852000 events, ~0.0/pb
Selected 0 collections, 0/0 events, ~0.0/pb
Selected 9 collections, 2177050/31044075 events, ~0.0/pb

(for B+, only run1b and run2a root files are available at this time)

generic B+:
Selected 0 collections, 0/0 events, ~0.0/pb
Selected 6 collections, 776034/10454000 events, ~0.0/pb
Selected 5 collections, 950356/12602000 events, ~0.0/pb
Selected 2 collections, 328082/4370000 events, ~0.0/pb
Selected 0 collections, 0/0 events, ~0.0/pb
Selected 10 collections, 3357927/41051657 events, ~0.0/pb

Furthermore I produced some Vub skims in analysis-21 for
BB -> Breco Xu l nu incl. only 3037
Selected 1 collections, 6000/6000 events, ~0.0/pb
Selected 2 collections, 6000/6000 events, ~0.0/pb
Selected 7 collections, 34000/34000 events, ~0.0/pb
Selected 6 collections, 32000/32000 events, ~0.0/pb
Selected 5 collections, 17000/17000 events, ~0.0/pb
Selected 3 collections, 28000/28000 events, ~0.0/pb
BB -> Breco Xu l nu excl. only 3617
Selected 3 collections, 6000/6000 events, ~0.0/pb
Selected 3 collections, 6000/6000 events, ~0.0/pb
Selected 7 collections, 30000/30000 events, ~0.0/pb
Selected 6 collections, 26000/26000 events, ~0.0/pb
Selected 5 collections, 17000/17000 events, ~0.0/pb
Selected 4 collections, 28000/28000 events, ~0.0/pb
and ran over them.

root files are in

Preliminary chains can be found in

-It would be good if people who are using them can have a look at these.

-Daniele agreed to submit some jobs running producing reduced ntuples for
 the vub analysis (i.e. selecting lepton instead of photon) and I will
 produce some plots for data - MC etc. comparison for run1+2 once I have
 the root files.

*As agreed, I would ask some of you to submit some jobs for run4, other
 signal modes and more cocktail once we are happy with the results of this
 production. So, are we happy?

*I still have on my list to look at neutrals, in particular low energy
 clusters, in the new and old production. Any other requests?

*Finally, I would appreciate it if one/some of the Breco experts could
 have a look at the log files in
 There're a few error messages where I'm wondering if they're relevant,
 see the end of this email.

AOB? Please give me your feedback (if you have any).


skims were produced out of the box from

root files with the executable in release directory

Error stuff:

1) ???
BetaMiniSequence.tcl::Error: Turning off broken physics code
BetaMiniSequence.tcl::Error: Disabling TrkEffTableCreateor: this module
looks for a track efficiency file on beginJob
PidProdSequence:  PIDversion hardcoded to Run2_Prod2001. See R5707.
BetaMiniPhysicsSequence.tcl::Error: Re-enabling selectors using

2) I guess these are mainly dataserver errors collection
Warning: environment variable ROOTSYS is not set. Standard include files
Error: cannot open /MAKEINFO
!!! There are examples of MAKEINFO files under /platform/ !!!
Please refer to these examples and create for your platform
Error: cannot open /MAKEINFO
!!! There are examples of MAKEINFO files under /platform/ !!!
Please refer to these examples and create for your platform
Error: cannot open /MAKEINFO
!!! There are examples of MAKEINFO files under /platform/ !!!
Please refer to these examples and create for your platform
Error: cannot open /MAKEINFO
!!! There are examples of MAKEINFO files under /platform/ !!!
Please refer to these examples and create for your platform
Info in <XTNetFile::CTOR>: (C) 2004 SLAC XTNetFile (eXtended TNetFile)
040608 15:20:00 713 Err : TXSocket::RecvRaw              - Request timed
out 60 seconds reading 4 bytes from socket 20
040608 15:20:00 713 Err : XTNetConn::doHandShake         - Error reading 4
bytes from the server [].
040608 15:20:00 713 Info: XTNetConn::GetAccessToSrv      - HandShake
failed with server [].
040608 15:20:00 713 Err : XTNetConn::goToAnotherServer   - Error
handshaking to [] read UUID
Error: cannot open file "bool.h"  FILE: LINE:0 Branch called Emc cannot find a branchObject
Emc Branch called
Emc_CandListBank cannot find a branchObject
Emc_CandListBank Branch called L1Glt cannot find a branchObject
L1Glt Branch called
Reco_EmcCands cannot find a branchObject
Reco_EmcCands couldn't make a transient
on read for L1FctSimTimeK
This is either the first event (probably normal) or whether or not it
is there is changing from event to event (not expected).

3) The following is printed out for many, many (every?) event returns 0 because pdtEntry
 or candidate is null.  Please check that you have
 valid candidates before calling this method.
  o original candidate pntr: 0x13b9b740
  o original candidate pdtEntry pntr: 0xff4d0d8
  o matched candidate pntr: (nil)
  o matched candidate pdtEntry pntr: (nil)
