


I got a set of tags from Pete Elmer to use in analysis-21 so the jobs now
run when using the extended collection syntax, specifying the condAlias.

I submitted some data and MC jobs with Ric's fix for the IFR neutrals
included and ntuples grow in

However, there is a new message appearing now, several thousand times!
IntDynArrColumn::setValue: input vector too short, use default values
Ric, can you please look at this?

I got rid of the "checkpdthypo" messages by adding BetaMC V00-11-04.
This removes a "harmless warning regarding checkPdtHypo when truth
matcher fails to find MC match".

Furthermore, as we have to start again, should we use a newer version of
BRecoilTools? There is now V00-01-09, we used V00-01-05 so far.
