

Hi Gerri,

A couple of more things that need to be incorporated into configure:

a) I'd like to remove some historical baggage. In the past I was unable to
convince anyone that platform and compiler was independent. So, the best I
got was -DSUNCC to tip me off that I was compiling for Solaris. This, of
course, is silly. Would it be possible to *consistently* define a define
symbol for general OS type? For instance, we have -D__linux__ and I'd like
to extend that to other OS's. Specifically, I'd like -D__solaris__ if we
are compiling for that OS. Once that happens, I'll change all occurrences
of SUNCC to that symbol.

b) In porting to macos, I had to redo the getxxxnyxxx() calls. Now, I will
use getnameinfo() and getaddrinfo() but only if they are available and
revert to the get methods otherwise. However, that means that
-DHAS_NAMEINFO must be defined for me to use the name routines. Most
platforms have them now except for Solaris 7, I beleive. There is some
kludginess for linux because getaddrinfo() primatively returns all
possible addresses for a host, even when they are duplicates (i.e., the
host has aliases). If you'd like to use a negative symbol (e.g.,

