

  Hi All,

  The next meeting on xrootd development, testing, deployment and monitoring 
will be Tuesday, 17 August, 2004 at 10:15 CA, 19:15 Europe and 18:15 UK. The
location at SLAC is SCS conference room B. At CERN we will meet in my office
(Bldg. 32 2C-14). We'll see how many people are around this week. 

  The connection info for this meeting is:

   phone:     +1-510-665-5437
   passcode:  4465

  The agenda is:

   o mailing list/HN
   o latest fixes - Alvise, Fabrizio, Andy
      o progress on the problem list
      o testing asynchronous mode
      o getting rid of feature in KanAccess.cfg that allows "localroot" to
        be specified there
   o New development
      o posix-compatible client
      o proxy support
      o client side monitoring support?
   o ROOT integration of XTNetFile/xrootd
      o ./configure issues with kerberos/security stuff reported by Axel?
      o building on MacOSX
      o Verbose echo of compilation commands (requested by Fons)
   o XTNetAdmin
      o wrapper - Fabrizio
      o SRT integration - Pete
      o checksums
   o Sites
     o Example configurations
     o Updates to servers at SLAC on Thursday and during the computing shutdown
        o moving to latest version (20040810-2328) for both xrootd and olbd
        o cleanup of config files
        o making all access to /store readonly
        o turning off non-xrootd log rotation for olbd
        o olb03/olb04/kanolb-a renaming
     o Padova - Fulvio/Guglielmo
        o problems reported by Antonio:
     o CNAF
        o problems reported by Enrica
     o RAL - Chris
        o outstanding problems after xrootd 20040810-2328?
           o Is the olbd crash gone?
        o new disk space?
        o import of skims
        o rpm structure (libstdc++, config files)
        o cleaning up classic Kanga data
     o In2p3 - Jean-Yves
        o use and status (disk space)
        o status of import of kan data (presumably skims at this point)
           o confusion about what should be made available at In2p3 (ARTF)
        o plans to move to more recent versions (beginning of September)
   o xrootd procedures
      o restart of servers (deployment of new versions)
      o problems with particular data servers
      o adding a new server
   o ganglia/monitoring of kanNNN servers at SLAC - Yemi
      o metrics for staging?
      o monitoring of scratch area, etc.
      o adding back xrootd metrics (after restart on Thursday?)
      o Updates to presentation 
      o alarms?
      o monitoring of #file descriptors/TCP connections, etc.
      o monitoring of xrootd versions and alarms when they fail the "Sesame
        Street test" (Should be possible after restart on Thursday!)
      o renaming of servers during/after shutdown

  I have almost certainly forgotten some things, so please feel free to bring 
anything important up during the meeting.


Peter Elmer     E-mail: [log in to unmask]      Phone: +41 (22) 767-4644
Address: CERN Division PPE, Bat. 32 2C-14, CH-1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland