

Hi all, 
as a starting point for the inclusive analysis, let me revive some
topics which emerged from a  discussion we had at SLAC in July between
Daniele, Virginia, Roberto, Alessia and myself. Some of them are already
being dealt with, some need to be addressed (and some need maybe to be
Talk to you later, Concezio. 

1) selection of the best B candidate: should it be based on the BRECO
side only or on the whole event? We should try to minimize the
inefficiency of this procedure. 

2) Kinematic fit: use VtxTreeFitter, technically implemented, needs
debugging. After that, evaluate and compare it with the old kinematic

3) MC truth: to be implemented (Roberto?) 

4) MC truth: should we implement MC matching on the BReco side and
compute efficiencies from that? At the moment, we determine efficiencies
from mES fits, which might be inaccurate in some corners of the phase

5) New analysis cuts? (e.g. a-la-Urs/Ed) 

6) Use some vertexing info on the recoil? (e.g. chisquare, impact
parameters, etc.)

7) charm veto by partial reconstructing D*lnu (both D*+ and D*0). Ed's
code has been implemented in VubRecoilUser by Virginia, needs

8) redo optimization studies (missing momentum, lepton momentum, etc.)

9) PID/trk/neutral killing/reweighting: to be implemented. Are we happy
with the old implementation? Can we do better? 

10) Mixing correction: to be implemented. 

11) systematics. With 80ifb some of them were at the level of educated
guesses and sometimes very conservative, e.g. for (mx,q2) we quote 7%
due to binning. With 250ifb we should try to do better. 

12) are we happy with the current skim? Do we need a reskim? 

On Fri, 2004-09-17 at 13:44, Riccardo Faccini wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> as you know I am moving forward and I do not have the time and the
> concentration to lead the effort towards the publication of the vub-recoil
> PRD. In my view we should update on run1-4 with CM2 the results we showed
> at ICHEP during the winter and get the paper out shortly after the
> conferences.
> Heiko has agreed to take over the organiztion of the meetings and the
> coordination of the whole effort, so he will be contacting you on this
> topic.
> In the meanwhile there are several people working on the CM2
> implementation (Daniele, Roberto, Virginia, Alessia e Concezio to my
> knowledge) and I suggest that we get in touch
> to discuss details and coordinate efforts. Sorry for the late notice but
> it was the only slot  between people vacations and Dresden, hope it works
> for the people  directly involved. We can use the italian phone number :
> 	+39/02 21897 pass code  100052#
> Talk to you soon
> 	ciao
> 	ric