

Hi Brandon, the attached files provide a simple program for
concatenating SIO files. 


[tonyj@dhcp-245 siocat]$ setenv CLASSPATH
[tonyj@dhcp-245 siocat]$ javac
[tonyj@dhcp-245 siocat]$ java SIOCat
SIOCat: an application to concatenate similarly named,
        sequentially numbered input sio files.
 >> java SIOCat rootFileName firstFileNumber lastFileNumber
 rootFileName    is common to all the files,
 firstFileNumber is the starting numbered file,
 lastFileNumber  is the ending numbered file,
 outputFileName  is the resulting concatenated file name.
 e.g. >> java SIOCat ZZ-SD- 1 50 ZZ-SD-Concat.sio
  will combine the files ZZ-SD-1.sio through ZZ-SD-50.sio into
 As an option, one can randomly add in events from a "signal" file via:
>> java SIOCat rFN fFn lFN oFN signalFileName probability
  in which case events from the signal file will be randomly added
  with the given probability.

On Fri, 2004-09-03 at 09:05, Brandon Drummond wrote:
> Hello,
> 	I have quite a few sio files (in the 100s) that I would like to run
> over as a single job. Is there a way to concatenate the files into a
> single large sio file or perhaps a way to keep loading a new sio file
> during runtime within my jas job?
> Thanks,
> Brandon 