


our next regular meeting will be tomorrow with the usual coordinates:

Phonenumber   ++1 510 665 5437
Passcode      2146
Time          08:30 SLAC time

I have learnt that the reservation of the phone conference will be
valid through 4/26/05. I hope that we will finish before.

I have two issues:

* Manpower: it's still not clear to me who is going to continue the
            exclusive analysis

* KinFit:   As we learnt from Thorsten at Dresden's collab meeting
            VtxTreeFitter does not seem to provide all the desired
            Jan Erik Sundermann and Verena Klose are working on a
            fitter which seem to satisfy our needs. I would propose
            that those who are currently taking care of the KinFit
            part get in touch with them.
            We could also ask them that they participate at our
            meeting in two weeks or at one of the next SL-AWG
            meetings in order to present the status of their work.
            This gives us the possibility to give them feedback what
            is needed in our analysis.

Please add anything else you would like to see to be discussed.
