

Hi all,

  as promised, here is the list of functions I moved from TXNetAdmin to 
the posix compliant XrdClientAdmin.

  As we agree before, we have to:
- decide a new name for the class, if somebody thinks that these are not 
administration apis
- decide if to build a new class with the "true" admin api.



    bool SysStatX(const char *paths_list, kXR_char *binInfo, int numPath);
    int Stat(char *fname, long &id, long &size, long &flags, long &modtime);

    //  bool ExistFile(const char *filename);
    bool ExistFiles(vecString, vecBool&);
    bool ExistDirs(vecString, vecBool&);
    bool IsFileOnline(vecString, vecBool&);

    bool Mv(const char *fileDest, const char *fileSrc);
    bool Mkdir(const char *dir, int user, int group, int other);
    bool Chmod(const char *file, int user, int group, int other);
    bool Rm(const char *file);
    bool Rmdir(const char *path);
    bool Protocol(kXR_int32 &proto, kXR_int32 &kind);
    bool Prepare(vecString vs, kXR_char opts, kXR_char prty);