

Hi all,

I went through the long email thread discussing usecases provided by 
Artem ("xrootd/data management use cases from last year's Lyon 
workshop") and tried to extract points that are directly relevant to 
admin interface. Here is the summary:

1) We may split things into remote and local admin interface. Per Andy, 
two good candidates for local admin interface would be:
 - turn on/off debugging without restarting the servers
 - audit server (get it's state and debug info)

Remote admin commands:
 - stop xrootd
 - list files with attributes, i.e. a,m,c- times, size, full path, 
 - check file location (disk/hpss)
 - check file backup status (backed up/not)
 - pre-stage file from hpss into disk cache, with confirmation
 - migrate file to hpss, with confirmation
 - remove file from disk cache
 - copy/relocate file to another disk cache
 - change file permissions
 - pin file on disk for specified time
 - get file's checksum

I did not find clear answers to the following questions:
 - do we want to implement "harvesting log files via xrootd"?
 - dumping/loading server's configuration. Should this be remote or 
local admin interface?
 - should admin interface implement "signal to rescan file system for 
new/gone files"?

There was also a request to combine some operations into one (e.g. 
migrate+remove, migrate+copy, stage+chmod). That can be done on top of 
core admin functions, e.g. using perl.
