

I'm making use of the new XrdClient code and have found some 
'interesting' items.  The two most pressing at the moment are

1) the definition of XrdClient::Read(...)
	 int          Read(const void *buf, long long offset, int len);

the first variable should be changed to 'void *' since one should not 
be writing to a const buffer.

2) The includes in XrdClient.hh (and probably other header files in 
that package) do not include the prefix "XrdClient/" when referring to 
other header files in this same area.  This makes using these header 
files a mess.  It would be very helpful if this was corrected.

Also, Doxygen style comments in the header (at least in XrdClient.hh) 
would go a long way to aiding its use.

	Chris Jones
	Cornell University