

Hi Remi,

> errors, but about 30% of the transfers fail. The tracebacks are similar
> to the one posted by Alvise and myself to xrootd-l.
Can you just give me the url to one of those tracebacks?

> Questions:
> - Are you (or somebody else) actively looking into these issues? We
> need to get this solved by early next week.
I am working on some of the issues. The clien and admin side issues are
being addressed by Fabrizio and Pete.

> - Which version(s) of xrootd are running on bbrprod0X? Can you please
> start the latest version on all of them?
Wilko should take care of that.

> - I can get a checksum only from bbrprod05. Do you know what the
> problem is?
Everything looked right except perhaps that everywhere but bbrprod05, the
directive is on the last line without a newline character (why bbrprod05
is the exception is rather strange). That probably isn't the problem
because it should have been fixed. The more relevant issue is that the
servers were started October 18 and the cksum appears to have been added
after that time. So, the servers are still running with the old config
file. Wilko?

> BTW: we gave up to get it to work using olb on the time scale of next
> week. We will be happy if the functionality required by
> works for all 5 bbrprod0X machines.
Yes, there are some issues that neede to be resolved between the client's
view of the world and what the olb provides. Fabrizio and I will be
sorting them out when he gets to SLAC in a week or so.
