

Dear Colleagues,
  Please take note of the following communications from George
Gollin regarding UCLC/LCRD accelerator project proposals.

Norman Graf

Hi folks,

The following applies to groups submitting NEW accelerator R&D proposals
through UCLC and LCRD. Note that many DOE-funded accelerator projects run
for three years, so this will NOT apply to these groups. The following DOES
NOT apply to new detector proposals.

In preparing your new accelerator R&D project descriptions for the 
FY2005 funding cycle, due on January 21, please follow the project 
description guidelines posted at

Following these guidelines and using the templates will help us very 
much when we assemble all the projects together into a single document 
to be given to the DOE and NSF for their review. Thanks.


Gerry and Ritchie would like proposals sent to us to include a LaTeX
version, but George would like to receive both pdf and postscript versions
of your submission. It's OK to enclose the three different file formats in
an email copied to Gerry, Ritchie, and George when you are ready to submit
your documents.

George (and Gerry and Ritchie)

Dear UCLC/LCRD proponents,

There may still be a small amount of tuning done by the funding agencies to
the mechanisms for submitting our accelerator R&D proposals. As I understand
it, the detector proposal procedures are now in final form so this will not
affect those groups.

I don't think this is likely to change anything that you will need to do,
although the due date may shift slightly. My impression is that the agencies
are nearly (but not quite) finished specifying the details of what we are to
do; we'll hear shortly about any adjustments to the (preliminary)
description that I emailed a few days ago.

In addition, there may be updates to the project document template files
