

Hi all,

 I implemented a class in which I moved all the machinery to perform
MC association and categorization in Vub recoil analyses.
 It is in

  BRecoilTools ddr-121704

 and the class is


 In updated and accordingly.

  VubRecoilUser ddr-121704

 Please check the results with this new code. I verified that
the results are making sense but finer tests are needed.
Some differences are expected:
 - I fixed one problem in the determination of vcb/vub flag
 - I changed the determination of the true B (before was done by
   looking at the true B with the momentum closest to the
   reco one, now it is based on the number of associated
 - the flag isassocB is always 1 now and the recoil MC truth
   properties are always there. To compare with the previous
   root files you can cut on the |Delta P| between reco and
   true B (i.e. "ass_deltapB<.2")

 I strongly recommend to do the same for other parts of the
code (mm2 with soft pion, dumping of common breco quantities in the
ntuple, etc...).
At the moment the code in is pretty heavy and moving
common parts of it in common classes would be beneficial for all
Vxb analysis on the recoil. Some cleanup is needed as well.
