

The latest version of xrootd (20041214) is causing us some headaches. 
We are getting repeated disconnections twixt client and server. This 
may be our fault, but I don't think so. Anyway, in the process it 
revealed a serious problem that is not our fault.

In the  method BuildMessage has the call (at 
approx. line 402)


ReadRaw returns an error code (throwing an exception might have been 
better) if there was a socket error of some sort. This error is not 
checked for and so it loops in(de)finitely, printing  error messages in 
the logs, but not actually dying or trying to reconnect, or anything 
user friendly.

I will get back to you about the problem of the disconnects if I figure 
out why they are happening.

(Does anybody read Henry Spencer's "The 10 Commandments of C 
Programming" anymore? Yea! Verily!!)

Gregory J. Sharp                   email: [log in to unmask]
Wilson Synchrotron Laboratory      url:
Dryden Rd                          ph:  +1 607 255 4882
Ithaca, NY 14853                   fax: +1 607 255 8062