

Dear All,

thanks to the effort of Chris there is now even more generic BB MC
available, in total about 850fb-1, see

!!! However, please only use the files specified in the chains in
!!! /nfs/babar/recoil/prod2004/chains/
!!! as these only contain files from successfully completed jobs and avoid
!!! duplicate events.

In addition (for those interested) I produced tcl files for the skimmed
vub signal samples, see Daniele's posting
(for the vub-signal MC I produced in summer I did the skiming myself)
The new tcls can be found in

Unfortunately, as the option --condalias is no longer supported by the
bookkeeping scripts I'm no longer able to distinguish between the single
run periods, only run1-3 (i.e. SP5) and run4 (SP6) as is done for data and
generic BB MC.
However, as the skims are now available it should be very quick to run
over these signal samples (the only exception is the cocktail sample).
Diskspace should be no problem, so let me know if and what you'd like to
run over.
On the other hand, there are some modes where only SP5 skims exist as no
SP6 skims were requested (as refered to in Daniele's posting above).

For a summary of what came out of the bookkeeping see
