

Hello Fabrizio

I caught xrdcp keeping a cpu 100% busy. You can find the gcore
output in
this directory also contains the pstack output of the xrdcp process
in the file 'out_pstack.30110'  (This output is also shown below).
I was using xrdcp from the 20050226-0852 release on Linux (RHEL3).


30110: xrdcp -DIDebugLevel 1
root://datadevsol01:2094////prod/test/small.test -
(No symbols found in /usr/lib/
(No symbols found in /lib/
0x00353e09: __lll_mutex_lock_wait + 0x19 (8fe1748, 808f520)
0x00823263: _fini + 0x31ec77 (8fe1748, 0, bfffadf8, 8069ad4, 8fe30a0, 808f520)
0x08069b00: _ZN22XrdClientLogConnectionD0Ev + 0x38 (8fe1748, 0, 0, 80680a3,
  0, 8fe1748) + 130
0x080682ac: _ZN22XrdClientConnectionMgr10DisconnectEsb + 0x21a (8fe3068,
  0, 1, 806335a, 39e898, bfffae80)+ 240
  + 0x65 (8fe1440, bfffb1e4, 0, bfffb3a0, bfffb180, 0) + 130
  + 0x925 (8fe1440, bfffb1e4, bfffb1ec, bfffb3a0, 0, bfffb1e8) + 70
0x0805d370: _ZN13XrdClientConn15ClientServerCmdEP13ClientRequestPKvPPvS4_b
  + 0x124 (8fe1440, bfffb3a0, 0,0, 0, 0) + 110
  _ZN13XrdClientConn14SendGenCommandEP13ClientRequestPKvPPvS4_bPc + 0x18c
  (8fe1440, bfffb3a0, 0, 0, 0, 0) + 100
0x0805aee8: _ZN9XrdClient5CloseEv + 0x178 (8fdfba8, aa1300, 0, 8058538,
  bfffb7d4, 808f520)
0x08058558: _ZN9XrdClientD0Ev + 0x2c (8fdfba8, bfffb518, bfffb4e4,
  8054ef4, 49, 8080f8d) + 60
0x08055353: _Z12doCp_xrd2locPKcS0_ + 0x46b (8fe3ab8, 8fe6690, 0, 8055852,
  4d9314, 808f520) + 200
0x080563c5: main + 0xb83 (5, bfffb7d4, bfffb7ec, 0, 39e898, aaa020) + 40
0x0027f79d: __libc_start_main + 0xed (8055842, 5, bfffb7d4, 8080df8,
  8080e40, aa1c90) + 40004838