# Do not delete this !!!!!! # # This is a configuration file for normal node of system XROOTD # # # !!!!!!!!! The XROOTD Section!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! # # It specifies the manager oldb location # (Mandatory directive) odc.manager rcas6001 3121 odc.trace all # Open Load Balancer olb.allow host rcas*.rcf.bnl.gov # It specifies the port of XROOTD server olb.port 3121 olb.path r / # Subscribe the location of oldb Manager olb.subscribe rcas6001 3121 olb.wait # The Open FILE System Section ofs.redirect remnote rcas6001 ofs.redirect target # Restrict access to files only for operation read oss.readonly # xrd section xrd.protocol xrootd * xrd.port 1095 # Here loading the extended file system support for xrootd xrootd.fslib /afs/rhic.bnl.gov/star/ROOT/4.03.02/.sl302_gcc323/rootdeb/lib/libXrdOfs.so # It specifies a valid path prefix to file requests xrootd.export /data0 xrootd.export /data1 xrootd.export /data2 xrootd.export /home # Here load library for security component # xrootd.seclib /afs/rhic.bnl.gov/star/ROOT/4.03.02/.sl302_gcc323/rootdeb/lib/libXrdSec.so # This directive is restriction for hosts that can connect to xrootd # xrd.allow host *.rcf.bnl.gov # # !!!!!!! (SEC) Security authentication copmonent section !!!!!! # # This directive binds a set of protocols to one or more hosts # (parametr only specifies that incoming clients must supply host-based authentification) # sec.protbind *.rcf.bnl.gov host