

 	Dear colleagues,

 	the LCWS2005 is quickly approaching and we are trying
 	to finalize the agenda for the Top/QCD session (please
 	find below the first announcement sent out at the end
 	of January).
 	In addition to reminding you about our session, we would
 	also like to point out that a few time slots are available
 	and we are more than willing to accept your contribution!
 	Please let us know as soon as you can.

 	Stewart Boogert ([log in to unmask])
 	Rohini Godbole ([log in to unmask])
 	Aurelio Juste ([log in to unmask])

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 28 Jan 2005 18:28:31 -0600 (CST)
From: Aurelio_Juste <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask]
Cc: [log in to unmask], [log in to unmask]
Subject: LCWS 2005 Top/QCD Sessions

QCD and Top working group for LCWS2005
   Stanford, CA, 18-22nd March 2005

Dear Colleagues,

The 8th International Conference on Linear Colliders (LCWS2005) will
take place in Stanford, California, USA, on 18-22 March 2005. As
co-conveners of the QCD and Top working group, we are writing to
encourage you to attend and to give a talk.

There are currently two parallel sessions scheduled on the 20th and
21st of March. If you would like to present results then please send us
the following information.

Name of presenter:
Title of presentation:
Time requested:

Talks will typically be 15 minutes with 5 minutes questions, depending
on demand and subject.
We would also particularly welcome talks of a more general nature,
including theoretical advances and new calculations, but also talks on
the experimental aspects of QCD and top measurements.

For more information on registration and the program for LCWS, please

Kind regards

Stewart Boogert ([log in to unmask])
Rohini Godbole ([log in to unmask])
Aurelio Juste ([log in to unmask])

*    Aurelio Juste                 [log in to unmask]             *
*                                                             *
*    Fermilab                      Tf:  (630)840-6565 (D0)    *
*    P.O. Box 500, MS 357          Fax: (630)840-8481         *
*    Batavia, IL 60510                                        *
*    U.S.A.                                                   *