


I am in the process of updating ddecay.table for the exclusive D branching
fraction reweighting. I have two questions that came up so far.

First, I cannot find any branching fraction for D0->K0pi0pi0 in PDG04 or
PDG02, so I am neither sure where the number we have in the table for the
branching fraction we would like to reweight to comes from, nor if it
needs updating.

Second, I am updating the branching ratios that are in DECAY.DEC. I use
DECAY.DEC from 14.4.3a (which according to the production page
should be the current release for SP6) from EvtGen. I checked that the
number from 12.6.0f (SP5) for these modes are identical.
But I also crosschecked against 10.3.1k (SP4 according to the page) and I
find that the numbers in ddecay.table are not the ones I find in here.
I did not find a significantly older release to crosscheck against.
Does this mean that the SP4 we used was made with an older release and the
branching fractions we have in the current ddecay.table? But that would
raise the question if I am now actually using the right DECAY.DEC.

Could someone point me to where the current numbers came from?
