

Hi Gregory,

The problem is that the files are closed at midnight, renamed, and then a
new file is opened (i.e., created). The open() says to give it 0644 but
since the start script didn't specify a umask, it must default to 077. So,
unless it's changed to be 022 and xrootd restarted you'll see the same
effect again.

As for xrdcp. As far as I know, only your sysadmin can specify what the
primary group should be (it's the first one in the list of groups or can
be the one indicated in the /etc/passwd file). However, you can use
the newgrp command to change the group to whatever you are allowed to
change it to. I'd suggest adding the newgrp command to the and files to set the proper group when starting xrootd/olbd. Of
course, a more permanent change would be to have your admins change the
primary group.


On Wed, 20 Apr 2005, Gregory Schott wrote:

> Hello Andy,
> > The log files, by default, are created with permission bits 0644. It would
> > appear that the umask is not correct. I'll change the start-up script to
> > set the correct umask but until then, just set it yourself. You will,
> > ufortunately, have to restart xrootd.
> I had in the past already changed the permissions of the log files but it
> gets reset at midnight for the next day. I just stopped xrootd, changed
> the permissions of the two logfiles and restarted the daemons... let's see
> in 21:30 hours what happens.
> What about the part concerning writing of root files with xrdcp?
> Cheers,
>    Gregory
> > On Wed, 20 Apr 2005, Gregory Schott wrote:
> >
> >> Hello,
> >>
> >> New xrootd logfile (created at midnight) and files newly copied via xrdcp
> >> (as well as directories) get by default 600 (or 700) attributes. How could
> >> I change that in order to automatically allow the group members to read
> >> the newly copied files? (For information, the current umask is 0022; in
> >> the unix world, if I touch a new file it gets permission 644 and new
> >> directories 755).
> >>
> >> Another problem I have is that xrootd is part of 2 groups: wheel and babar
> >> and that by default the files are marked as group wheel instead of babar.
> >> I think I have to ask the gridka admins to change that, except if there is
> >> a possibility to change it in the xrootd or xrdcp programme.
> >>
> >> Cheers,
> >>    Gregory
> >>
> >