


This pertains to the latest release, and possibly earlier releases...

At line 152 of XrdNet/ I found

char *XrdNetDNS::getHostName(struct sockaddr &InetAddr, char **errtxt)
      char *result;
      if (getHostName(InetAddr, &result, 1, errtxt)) return result;

and so we see that "result" is not initialized, but could be returned 
in some unusual cases (badly configured DNS systems that are missing a 
reverse lookup, for example). Your intent is not clear, so I won't 
pretend to suggest a fix...

Share and Enjoy.
Gregory J. Sharp                   email: [log in to unmask]
Wilson Synchrotron Laboratory      url:
Dryden Rd                          ph:  +1 607 255 4882
Ithaca, NY 14853                   fax: +1 607 255 8062