

Hi Jacek,

Thanks for the directions. However, I started the collector and when I 
do a xrdcp I get this:

RT locking.ok.0.unlocked
RT locking.ok.0.unlocked
RT locking.ok.0.unlocked
Caught exception 130 "Invalid packet length 0"
Caught exception 130 "Invalid packet length 0"
RT locking.ok.0.unlocked
Caught exception 130 "Invalid packet length 0"
RT locking.ok.0.unlocked

This is why I mentioned in the previous mail the 0-lenght of the packets.


Jacek Becla wrote:
> Hi Catalin,
>> No problem. I'll be looking forward to the binary dump. Jacek, can you 
>> point Catlin to the binary collector and provide simple instruction on 
>> how to capture the information? Thanks.
> the program for dumping packets is not built by default, you will have 
> to tweak src/XrdMon/GNUmakefile to enable it (uncomment lines 83-85), 
> then build.
> Run the collector "xrdmonCollector", no arguments are necessary. It will 
> store collector's logs in ./logs/collector/<xrootdServer>/<port>/.
> You will need to have some activity on the server to trigger at least 
> one flush of the collector's buffers.
> Most likely you will not want to wait until it fills up the first log 
> file, so create the following link:
> ln -s logs/collector/<xrootdServer>/<port>/active.rcv 
> 20050427_12:00:00.000_sender:1000.rcv
> Then run "xrdmonDumpPackets 20050427_12:00:00.000_sender:1000.rcv"
> This tool will produce files for each packet received and store them in 
> /tmp directory. The files will be called "ap.dump.<sequenceNo>"
> Let me know if you have any questions (the dump tool is not productized 
> yet, thus all the hassle with symlinks)
> cheers,
> Jacek