

Dear Colleagues,
                 The proceedings of the Extended Joint Ecfa/Desy Study on
Physics and Detector for a Linear e+e- collider are now finished and can
be downloaded from the workshop website
(click on "Proceedings").
                 There was a delay in the completion of these proceedings
which is explained in the Foreword; thanks to everybody for their
                 This email is going to the European LC mailing list with
a CC to the American and Asian lists, so apologies if you receive it more
that once.   The reason for doing this is that there are authors from all
three regions on these proceedings, and this is to make sure of reaching
them all.
                  Frau Maren Stein <[log in to unmask]> of the Desy
printing service is preparing to make printed copies of the proceedings to
send to the world's libraries; if you would like a hard copy, please
send a request via email with your name and postal address to

                  Maren Stein <[log in to unmask]>

(not to me, please), and she will be happy to send you one.

            Best wishes,