


I updated ddecay.table for VirVubFitter (the old ddecay.table is still
there, but additionally there is ddecay.table.CM2). These are the changes:

   *The PDG values and errors are taken from PDG04. I could not
    find the BF for D0->K0pi0pi0 (also not where the value came
    from), so I left it unchanged.

   *The decay.dec column was obtained as follows:
    I produce 5mio events B->Denu (per B charge). The D then decays
    according to DECAY.DEC (I took DECAY.DEC from 14.4.3a which
    corresponds to SP6 according to the production page.
    I checked that the relevant parts agree with DECAY.DEC from
    12.6.0f which from the same page should correspond to SP5).
    Then I count the particles in the final state (counting pi0, not
    its daughters) for those final states we have in ddecay.table.
    I switched off PHOTOS for this, since counting was easier this
    way and this should not have any effect on the BFs we find
    (unless I am completely mistaken, PHOTOS is called after the
    event without the additional gamma was produced, or at least
    the first generation daughters). Let me know in case you object to
    this. I crosschecked that the 2 body final states are in good
    agreement to what I see directly in DECAY.DEC.

Most BFs for the MC are very similar to the former ones, I see significant
changes for the following decays:

D0->K pi pi pi, D0->K pi pi0 pi0 and pi pi pi0, all of which are in better
agreement with the current measured values.

D+->K pi pi pi pi, D+->K pi pi pi0 pi0, D+-> 5pi, again, they are in
better agreement with the current measured values.

The branching fraction mean values for D+->K0 5pi are quite different in
MC (0.000005) and PDG (0.0008+-0.0007), but of course the errors are huge.
I crosschecked that the small MC value by looking into DECAY.DEC (there
seems to be only the channel D->K0 omega pi, omega->4pi to contribute
and this has 0.000005. This is identical in DECAY.DEC from 10.3.1k,
which is the oldest I could find).
Naively, this would give us a weight of 160.
So far this final state was NOT reweighted and I kept it this way. Again,
let me know on case you object to this.
