

  Hi Chris,

On Fri, May 06, 2005 at 07:39:32PM +0100, Brew, CAJ (Chris) wrote:
> I've been persused to give this talk at hepix next week.
> You can see the first draft at:
> pt
> Since as far as I'm aware xrootd hasn't been presented at hepix before
> there's a section at the start with a short discription (Andy might
> recognise some of the phrasing) followed by a description of how it's
> deployed here and our experience.

  It looks like an excellent talk. When you have a final version, we 
can also put it in the xrootd area and link it from the xrootd web page if
you like.

> Is there anything you'd like me to add, remove or clarify? I was
> thinking possibly of a slide at the end of the description with some
> performance/scaleability numbers.

  You could probably add something like the single daemon I/O performance
numbers Andy and Bill put together a couple of months ago:

> Any other comments are welcome.

  Slide 3 - xrootd is distributed with ROOT (and just as importantly the
            client is there out-of-the-box) since ROOT 4.01-02 which (IIRC)
            came out early last fall (Sep2004, IIRC).

  Slide 13 - probably worth making clear that the 75TB is at RAL alone 
             (Did we really manage 75TB with the single soft-link namespace 
              thing and NFS? I thought that you only did that through about
              20TB or so at RAL. Which was already a lot!)

  Slide 18 - there is a word "condrestarts" that I guess should be "restarts"

  Slide 21 - Perhaps it is worth listing also the other big sites running
             xrootd for BaBar and their sizes:

                 SLAC   (160TB+)
                 In2p3  (???TB)
                 FZK    (???TB)
                 CNAF   (???TB)
                 Padova (???TB)

             plus the fact that number of smaller university sites are
             using it. There is of course some testing and/or use by other 
             experiments (AMS, Indra, CLEO, STAR, CMS, Alice, ...), too.

             [I just wrote the others about their space numbers in private
              since I'm curious to have these, too.]


Peter Elmer     E-mail: [log in to unmask]      Phone: +41 (22) 767-4644
Address: CERN Division PPE, Bat. 32 2C-14, CH-1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland