

Commit in lcsim/src/org/lcsim/digisim on MAIN -> 1.3
Refactored into an abstract noise class

lcsim/src/org/lcsim/digisim 1.2 -> 1.3
diff -u -r1.2 -r1.3
---	1 Jun 2005 17:56:19 -0000	1.2
+++	27 Jun 2005 21:35:55 -0000	1.3
@@ -1,43 +1,36 @@
 package org.lcsim.digisim;
-import org.apache.commons.math.distribution.DistributionFactory;
-import org.apache.commons.math.distribution.PoissonDistribution;
 import java.util.Vector;
 import java.util.Map;
+import org.apache.commons.math.distribution.DistributionFactory;
+import org.apache.commons.math.distribution.PoissonDistribution;
- * A modifier for simulation of random noise in calorimeters
+ * An interface for simulation of random noise in calorimeters.
+ * Different noise parametrizations can be implemented extending this
+ * class.
  * @author Guilherme Lima
- * @version $Id:,v 1.2 2005/06/01 17:56:19 lima Exp $
+ * @version $Id:,v 1.3 2005/06/27 21:35:55 lima Exp $
-class RandomNoise extends AbstractCalHitModifier {
+abstract class RandomNoise extends AbstractCalHitModifier {
     //*** Defining modifier interface ***
+    abstract public double getProbabilityAboveThreshold();
+    abstract public double drawRandomNoise();
+    abstract public double drawRandomNoiseAboveThreshold();
-    /** initialize parameters */
+    /** Initialize parameters */
     public void init(Vector<Double> params) {
 	_par = params;
-	if(_debug>0) {
-	    int i=0;
-	    for( Double x : params ) {
-	       System.out.println(_name+".init(): _par["+(i++)+"] = "+x);
-	    }
-	}
 	// decode parameters
-	_amplNom = params.get(0);
-	_amplSigma = params.get(1);
-	_timeNom = params.get(2);
-	_timeSigma = params.get(3);
-	_meanNumNoisyCells = params.get(4);
-	_system = params.get(5).intValue();
-	_barend = params.get(6).intValue();
+	_system = params.get(0).intValue();
+	_barend = params.get(1).intValue();
+	_threshold = params.get(2);
-	// poisson distribution generator
-	DistributionFactory df = DistributionFactory.newInstance();
-	_poisson = df.createPoissonDistribution( _meanNumNoisyCells );
+	_timeNom = params.get(3);
+	_timeSigma = params.get(4);
@@ -49,48 +42,111 @@
 	System.out.println(" name="+_name+", debug="+_debug);
-      _selector = _digitizer.getCellSelector();
+      if(_poisson==null) {
+	// estimate mean number of noise-only cells
+	if(_selector==null) _selector = _digitizer.getCellSelector();
+	int ncells = _selector.getCellCount();
+	double probAbove = getProbabilityAboveThreshold();
+	double meanNoisyCount = (probAbove * ncells);
+	System.out.println("probAboveThreshold() = "+probAbove
+			   +", meanNoisyCount="+meanNoisyCount);
+	// poisson distribution generator
+	DistributionFactory df = DistributionFactory.newInstance();
+	_poisson = df.createPoissonDistribution( meanNoisyCount );
+      }
+      addNoiseToExistingHits(hitmap);
+      createNoiseOnlyHits(hitmap);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Adds noise to current hits.  Noise is drawn according to some
+     * noise parametrization, see drawRandomNoise() method.
+     */
+    public void addNoiseToExistingHits(Map<Long,TempCalHit> hitmap) {
+      for( Long cellid : hitmap.keySet() ) {
+	TempCalHit ihit = hitmap.get(cellid);
+	double noise = drawRandomNoise();
+	double time = drawRandomTiming();
+	// add noise
+	double temp = ihit.getTotalEnergy();
+	if(temp+noise>0) {
+	  ihit.addContribution( _noiseID, noise, time );
+	  if(_debug>0) {
+	    System.out.println(" add to existing hit: noise="+noise
+			       +", cellid="+ cellid
+			       +", energy="+ temp
+			       +" --> "+ ihit.getTotalEnergy());
+	  }
+	}
+	else {
+	  // we might decide to remove these hits, even without a threshold
+	  ihit.addContribution( _noiseID, noise, time );
+	  if(_debug>0) {
+	      System.out.println(" Hit became negative with noise!"
+				 +" noise="+noise
+				 +", cellid="+ cellid
+				 +", energy="+ temp
+				 +" --> "+ ihit.getTotalEnergy());
+	  }
+	}
+      }
+    }
+    /** Timing parametrization: gaussian */
+    private double drawRandomTiming() {
+      return _timeNom + _timeSigma * _random.nextGaussian();
+    }
+    /** FIXME: add documentation here
+     */
+    public void createNoiseOnlyHits(Map<Long,TempCalHit> hitmap) {
+      if(_selector==null) _selector = _digitizer.getCellSelector();
       _selector.setSystemBarrel(_system, _barend);
-      // how many noisy cells
+      // get number of noisy cells (use poisson distribution)
       int numNoisy = 0;
       try {
-	  numNoisy=_poisson.inverseCumulativeProbability(_random.nextDouble());
+	numNoisy = _poisson.inverseCumulativeProbability(_random.nextDouble());
       catch(Exception e) {
-	  System.out.println("RandomNoise: Exception caught: "+e.toString());
+	System.out.println("RandomNoise: Exception caught: "+e.toString());
+      if(_debug>0) {
+	System.out.println("RandomNoise: "+numNoisy+" noise only cells");
+      }
       for(int i=0; i<numNoisy; ++i) {
 	// generate noise amplitude and timing
-	double ampl = _amplNom + _amplSigma * _random.nextGaussian();
-	double time = _timeNom + _timeSigma * _random.nextGaussian();
-	if(_debug>1) {
-	    System.out.println("i="+i+"/"+numNoisy
-			       +", ampl="+ampl+", time="+time);
-	}
+	double noise = drawRandomNoiseAboveThreshold();
+	double time = drawRandomTiming();
-	// pick a noisy cell
- 	long chanid = _selector.getRandomCell();
-	TempCalHit ahit = hitmap.get(chanid);
-	if( ahit!=null ) {
-	  // add noise to existing cell
-	  System.out.println("RandomNoise: adding noise to existing cell"
-			     +", chanid="+ Long.toHexString(chanid)
-			     +", noiseID="+_noiseID);
-	  ahit.addContribution( _noiseID, ampl, time );
-	}
-	else {
-	  // create new hit and add it to hitmap
-// 	  System.out.println("RandomNoise: creating new noise cell"
-// 			     +", chanid="+ Long.toHexString(chanid)
-// 			     +", noiseID="+_noiseID);
-	  ahit = new TempCalHit( chanid, _noiseID, ampl, time );
-	  hitmap.put( chanid, ahit );
+	// pick an empty cell to become noisy
+ 	long chanid = 0;
+	TempCalHit ahit = null;
+	for(;;) {
+	  chanid = _selector.getRandomCell();
+	  ahit = hitmap.get( chanid );
+	  // break loop only for an empty hit
+	  if( ahit==null ) break;
+	// create new hit and add it to hitmap
+ 	if(_debug>1) {
+	  System.out.println("RandomNoise: Creating noise only cells"
+ 			     +", cellid="+ Long.toHexString(chanid)
+ 			     +", noise="+ noise+", time="+time);
+ 	}
+	ahit = new TempCalHit( chanid, _noiseID, noise, time );
+	hitmap.put( chanid, ahit );
+    //===  Standard modifier interface ===
     /** debugging printout */
     public void print() {
       System.out.println( this.toString() );
@@ -105,60 +161,50 @@
-    /** Returns a reference to a new instance */
-    public RandomNoise newInstance(Digitizer digitizer,
-				   ModifierParameters modpars) {
-	return new RandomNoise(digitizer, modpars);
-    }
-    public static RandomNoise instance() {
-	return _me;
-    }
+//     /** Returns a reference to a new instance */
+//     public RandomNoise newInstance(Digitizer digitizer,
+// 				   ModifierParameters modpars) {
+// 	return new RandomNoise(digitizer, modpars);
+//     }
     /** private constructor, call newInstance() instead */
-    private RandomNoise(Digitizer digitizer, ModifierParameters modpars) {
+    protected RandomNoise(Digitizer digitizer, ModifierParameters modpars) {
 	super(digitizer, modpars);
     /** default constructor is only called for global instance */
-    private RandomNoise() {
-      super( null,
-	     new ModifierParameters( ModifierParameters.Type.RandomNoise.toString(),
-				     ModifierParameters.Type.RandomNoise,
-				     new Vector<Double>()
-				     )
-	     );
-    }
-    public static boolean registerMe() {
-	String type = ModifierParameters.Type.RandomNoise.toString();
- 	AbstractCalHitModifier.registerModifier(type, _me);
-	return true;
-    }
+//     protected RandomNoise() {
+//       super( null,
+// 	     new ModifierParameters(ModifierParameters.Type.RandomNoise.toString(),
+// 				    ModifierParameters.Type.RandomNoise,
+// 				    new Vector<Double>()
+// 				    )
+// 	     );
+//     }
+//     public static boolean registerMe() {
+// 	String type = ModifierParameters.Type.RandomNoise.toString();
+//  	AbstractCalHitModifier.registerModifier(type, _me);
+// 	return true;
+//     }
     //=== FIELDS ===
     /** Parameters */
     Vector<Double> _par;
     /** system number to be used in hit encoding */
-    private int _system;
+    protected int _system;
     /** barrel/endcap number to be used in hit encoding */
-    private int _barend;
+    protected int _barend;
     /** mean number of noisy cells per event */
-    private double _meanNumNoisyCells;
-    /** mean amplitude */
-    private double _amplNom;
-    /** width used for smearing of amplitude */
-    private double _amplSigma;
+    protected double _threshold;
     /** mean amplitude */
-    private double _timeNom;
+    protected double _timeNom;
     /** width used for smearing of amplitude */
-    private double _timeSigma;
+    protected double _timeSigma;
-    /** Global instance, used only for registration */
-    private static RandomNoise _me = new RandomNoise();
     /** Random cell selector */
-    private CellSelector _selector;
+    protected CellSelector _selector;
     /** Poisson Distribution */
     private PoissonDistribution _poisson;
     /** noise ID, used in place of simhit cellID */
CVSspam 0.2.8