


	I have talked to Ed about the ssbar popping and hadronisation

For the ssbar popping we need to flag KKbar pairs and I am implementing
it into VubrecoilUser. Afterwards we have to run a new production. The
systematic studies can then be done in VirVubFitter using weights.

I assume that we expect 2 Kaons (K+K-, K0K0bar or KS0KL0 combination) and
at the moment I am checking this.

I also got a few hints for the hadronisation systematic from Ed. This
includes taking the right reweighting file and the right first mx bin. We
are using 1.4 GeV, aren't we? The main point is that we have to adjust the
exclusive BFs in wfermifile.dat and then recompute the scaling factor for
the non-resonant part to have the right total BF.

This applies also to the systematic studies for the variation of the
exclusive BFs.

I think the corrections factor should be (I left my notes in the office)

       N_h          BF_new
   k = ---- * ----------------
       N_r    BF_res+BF_nonres

Concezio, you should know this. Is this formular correct. Do you still
have the numbers?



Wolfgang Menges
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