

Hi Wolfgang,

On Wed, 8 Jun 2005, Wolfgang Menges wrote:

> Hi,
> 	I have talked to Ed about the ssbar popping and hadronisation
> systematics.
> For the ssbar popping we need to flag KKbar pairs and I am implementing
> it into VubrecoilUser. Afterwards we have to run a new production. The
> systematic studies can then be done in VirVubFitter using weights.
> I assume that we expect 2 Kaons (K+K-, K0K0bar or KS0KL0 combination) and
> at the moment I am checking this.
I'm not an expert on this but:

For charged B's I expect naively K+K- as the primary product
of ssbar popping. For neutral B's the primary product should
be e.g. K+K0bar/K-K0. 
Of course, K*'s should be also possible. So other combinations
two kaons may also appear.
It becomes more complicated if additional uubar or ddbar are
produced out of the vacuum.
So, in general I would expect that any combination is possible.
