


That is not the case unfortunately.  Daniele and I had a phone conversation 
with Dominique a few weeks ago on this matter.  When we manually vary an 
exclusive BF, we have to compensate in the weighting of the non-res such that 
the total assumed BF of the signal MC remains constant.  I.e. lower an excl 
BF -> increase the non-res contribution.  As a result, for the CM1 MC, I have 
the proper weight files for all of the various exclusive BF systematic 
studies.  If anyone wants them, email me.

I don't know if Dominique is subscribed to vub-recoil - so i added him to the 
email at this level.  


On Wednesday 08 June 2005 01:42 am, Concezio Bozzi wrote:
> Hi Wolfgang,
> >I think the corrections factor should be (I left my notes in the office)
> >
> >       N_h          BF_new
> >   k = ---- * ----------------
> >       N_r    BF_res+BF_nonres
> after discussions with Ed/Daniele I had assumed this "magic factor" had
> to be set once for all for the default and that the reweighting file
> would have taken care of the variations of the exclusive BF
> automatically. So we did not recompute it for the systematic studies of
> the exclusive BF.
> Concezio.