

Edward Hill wrote:

>On Wednesday 08 June 2005 12:12 am, Wolfgang Menges wrote:
>>I also got a few hints for the hadronisation systematic from Ed. This
>>includes taking the right reweighting file and the right first mx bin. We
>>are using 1.4 GeV, aren't we? The main point is that we have to adjust the
>>exclusive BFs in wfermifile.dat and then recompute the scaling factor for
>>the non-resonant part to have the right total BF.
>>This applies also to the systematic studies for the variation of the
>>exclusive BFs.
>>I think the corrections factor should be (I left my notes in the office)
>>       N_h          BF_new
>>   k = ---- * ----------------
>>       N_r    BF_res+BF_nonres
>>Concezio, you should know this. Is this formular correct. Do you still
>>have the numbers?
>For hadronization, the weight for the non-res will be the same as the default 
>setup - you just need to use the proper weightfile from Dominique.  For the 
>exclusive mode studies, this weight (factor k above) will need to be 
>recomputed along with using the proper weightfile from Dom.  The numbers N_h, 
>N_r, and (BF^SP_res+BF^SP_nonres) will all be fixed - only BF^NEW_nonres (i 
>think that's the number - i don't have my notes in front of me right now) 
>will be different when varying exclusive BFs.  Whoever computed the CM2 
>weights should know those numbers and can give them to Wolfgang.

Thank you Ed. The correct factor is

k = (N_res / N_nonres) * (BF^nonres_NEW / BF^res_SP) 

so we need to change BF^nonres_NEW by the same change in a specific 
exclusive decay in order to keep the total charmless rate fixed).