Commit in SlacMCPrj on MAIN
README+43added 1.1

README added at 1.1
diff -N README
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ README	11 Jul 2005 20:40:32 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+This is the project root for Linear Collider Monte Carlo at SLAC.
+Before attempting to use anything, type:
+  bash
+  source scripts/  
+Then execute: 
+  env | grep PRJ_ | sort
+to see the environment that has been setup.
+PRJ_ROOT is this directory.
+PRJ_BIN contains executables or symlinks to them.
+PRJ_SCRIPTS is shell scripts, mostly in sh/bash.
+PRJ_SW is the topmost software area.
+PRJ_EXTERN is external software packages, including some common HEP C++ libraries like Geant4 and CLHEP.
+PRJ_DIST is LCD/ILC-specific software such as detector simulators, event generators and analysis packages.
+PRJ_WORK is $PRJ_ROOT/users/$USER.  Since I don't have root on noric, you need to make this one yourself!
+The packages you probably want to use are in PRJ_DIST and can be setup with a corresponding script in 
+PRJ_SCRIPTS.  Many of these are accessible in PRJ_BIN by their name, too; these are mostly symlinks to
+shell script wrappers so that no special environment or package setup is required on the user's part
+to run the "current" version.  
+Available apps include mokka, slic, lcdg4, jupiter, lcs, tbs, lccomponents, dawn, LCIO utilities, jas3, 
+GeomConverter, org.lcsim, and others.
+PRJ_ROOT should be kept tidy, so please use the appropriate areas for any directories and files you 
+might add. 
+Drop me a line if a Linux app you want to use seems to be missing; I will add it or direct you to it.
+Happy simulating.
+--Jeremy McCormick, [log in to unmask]
CVSspam 0.2.8