Commit in GeomConverter/src/org/lcsim/geometry/subdetector on MAIN -> 1.13

GeomConverter/src/org/lcsim/geometry/subdetector 1.12 -> 1.13
diff -u -r1.12 -r1.13
---	18 Jul 2005 18:00:06 -0000	1.12
+++	19 Jul 2005 20:33:19 -0000	1.13
@@ -14,17 +14,6 @@
  * @author tonyj
- * FIXME: This class's inheritance hierarchy needs to be simplified.  4 parent classes is too many.
- * Currently, Calorimeter does nothing.  Are there some special plans for this class?
- *
- * FIXME: I don't believe that this should be bound to heprep classes.  A factory or manager
- * should take this as an argument and translate it.
- *
- * --JM
- *
- */
 public abstract class CylindricalCalorimeter
        extends CalorimeterBase
        implements CylindricalSubdetector
CVSspam 0.2.8