

Hi all,
I got the following message from Gil Paz. Concerning point 1), I suspect 
we wrote that sentence after we were persuaded by Matthias and 
collaborators that b->sgamma moments calculations were more reliable, 
correct? Could anybody remind me the reference for that?
Ciao, Concezio.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	hep-ex/0507017
Date: 	Thu, 28 Jul 2005 17:35:20 -0400 (EDT)
From: 	Gil Paz <[log in to unmask]>
To: 	[log in to unmask]


My name is Gil Paz and although I haven't emailed you directly, we were 
cc'ed on many emails. From  the archives it seems that you've posted the 
paper, so I'm directing the questions/comments to you:

1) We have been asked by the referee of our paper hep-ph/0504071 to 
comment on the sentence: 

"However, there are concerns that the extraction of the shape function
parameters from the photon spectrum in B->Xs gamma is less reliable"
(p.18 before section 7)

Could you explain to what you are referring to? 

2) In the references you should add:

 S.W. Bosch, M. Neubert and G. Paz,
 ``Subleading shape functions in inclusive B decays''
 Nucl. Phys. B 699, 335 (2004) [arXiv:hep-ph/0402094]

when referring to BLNP.

3)  We were surprised to see that your paper does not contain an
acknowledgment to the many discussions we had with your group, or to the
fact that we had provided you with a code to generate the partial rates.
We hope this will be fixed in a revised version.

4) Two small typos:

a) Section 5.2 in the title: "BNLP" -> "BLNP"

b) page 17 8th line from the top shouldn't "faction" be "fraction"?

