Commit in lcsim/src/org/lcsim/contrib/compile/SteveMagill on MAIN -> 1.4
Improved version with E/P iteration added

lcsim/src/org/lcsim/contrib/compile/SteveMagill 1.3 -> 1.4
diff -u -r1.3 -r1.4
---	2 Aug 2005 22:33:07 -0000	1.3
+++	9 Aug 2005 01:38:42 -0000	1.4
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
 // import org.lcsim.recon.ztracking.FoundTrack;
 // import org.lcsim.geometry.Detector;
 public class BTrMipClus extends Driver
    private AIDA aida = AIDA.defaultInstance();
@@ -36,6 +37,7 @@
    private  double  _sfEMB;  
 //    The HAD Barrel sampling fraction
    private  double _sfHB;
+   private double _neupi;
 //    The EM calorimeter hits, by layer
    private List[] _emBLayerHits;
 //    The HAD calorimeter hits, by layer
@@ -103,19 +105,21 @@
         }  // end loop over had layers
         // Get (set) sampling fractions here
-//        _sfEMB = 0.01207;    //  for now this is tested sampling fraction for W/Si EMCAL in SiD Detector
-        _sfEMB = 0.01167;     //  for now, this is effective sf for 20/10 Si/W ECAL from 5 GeV gammas
+//        _sfEMB = 0.0120;    //  for now this is tested sampling fraction for W/Si EMCAL in SiD Detector
+        _sfEMB = 0.0117;     //  for now, this is effective sf for 20/10 Si/W ECAL from 2 GeV gammas
 //        _sfHB = 0.000025;   //  for now this is tested sampling fraction for SS/RPC HCAL in SiD Detector
         //  but for now, use calibration as a sampling fraction (then HAD E in a cluster is OK)
-        _sfHB = 6.2;    // 161 MeV per hit in HCAL for CDC WRPC
-//        _sfHB = 24.0;   // 42 MeV per hit in HCAL for CDC WScin after 1/3 mip thresold cut 
-//        _sfHB = 0.06;
+//        _sfHB = 5.3;    // 200 MeV per hit in HCAL for SiD SSRPC, 10.0 for pions
+        _sfHB = 26.0;   // 38 MeV per hit in HCAL for CDC WScin after 1/3 mip thresold cut, 30 for pions
+        _neupi = 0.87;   // ratio of nhits neu to pi - .87 for CDC, .57 for SiD
+//        _sfHB = 0.06;  // old SDJan03 SS/Scin analog HCAL sf
         _initialized = true;
     }   // end of initialization section
       // get calorimeter hits by layer - need to calculate hit density for cells
-      double EMBESum=0; double HADBESum=0;
+      double EMBESum=0;  double EMBESumC=0;  double HADBESum=0;
+      double EEMlowE=0;  double EEMhighE=0;
       double ESumBTotCAL=0;
       double hthrshld = 0;
       int nhitsBTotCAL=0;
@@ -143,12 +147,18 @@
           celbid[nhitbLayer[emblayer]][emblayer] = hitID;
           embhitmap.put(hitID, embhit);
-//          if (embhit.getEnergy()<0.00061)
-//          {
-//              aida.cloud1D("DIAG : EM B Calib hit E").fill(embhit.getEnergy()/_sfEMB);     
-//          }
-//          EMBESum += embhit.getEnergy();
           EMBESum += embhit.getRawEnergy();
+          //  for CDC, use this for calibrated B EM ESum
+          if (emblayer < 20)
+          {
+              EMBESumC += embhit.getRawEnergy()/_sfEMB;
+              EEMlowE += embhit.getRawEnergy();
+          }
+          else
+          {
+              EMBESumC += embhit.getRawEnergy()/(_sfEMB/2);
+              EEMhighE += embhit.getRawEnergy();
+          }
       aida.cloud1D("Nhits in original EMBhitmap").fill(embhitmap.size());
@@ -157,30 +167,23 @@
       CalorimeterIDDecoder hadbdecoder = (CalorimeterIDDecoder) event.getMetaData(hadbHits).getIDDecoder();
       // create a map of cells keyed on their index
       Map<Long, CalorimeterHit> hadbhitmap = new HashMap<Long, CalorimeterHit>();
-      if (event.getDetectorName().equals("cdcaug05")) hthrshld = 0.0003;   // 1/3 mip threshold for cdc Scin HCAL
-      System.out.println("HAD Threshold = " +hthrshld);
+      if (event.getDetectorName().equals("cdcaug05")) hthrshld = 0.0002;   // 1/3 mip threshold for cdc Scin HCAL
+//      System.out.println("HAD Threshold = " +hthrshld);
       for (SimCalorimeterHit hadbhit : hadbHits)
           long hitID = hadbhit.getCellID();
           int hadblayer = hadbdecoder.getLayer();
 //          if (hadbhit.getEnergy() > hthrshld)
-          aida.cloud2D("HAD Cell E vs Time").fill(hadbhit.getTime(),hadbhit.getRawEnergy());
+          aida.cloud1D("HAD Cell Vis E before thr cut").fill(hadbhit.getRawEnergy());
           if (hadbhit.getRawEnergy() > hthrshld)
+              aida.cloud1D("HAD Cell Vis E after thr cut").fill(hadbhit.getRawEnergy());
               celbtheta[nhitbLayer[_numbemlayers+hadblayer]][_numbemlayers+hadblayer] = hadbdecoder.getTheta();				  
               celbphi[nhitbLayer[_numbemlayers+hadblayer]][_numbemlayers+hadblayer] = hadbdecoder.getPhi();
               celbid[nhitbLayer[_numbemlayers+hadblayer]][_numbemlayers+hadblayer] = hitID;
               hadbhitmap.put(hitID, hadbhit);
-//          aida.cloud1D("HAD B hit vis E").fill(hadbhit.getEnergy());
-//          if (hadbhit.getEnergy()<0.000004)
-//          {
-//              aida.cloud1D("DIAG : HAD B Vis hit E").fill(hadbhit.getEnergy());
-//              aida.cloud1D("DIAG : HAD B Calib hit E").fill(hadbhit.getEnergy()/_sfHB);
-//          }
-//          aida.cloud2D("HAD B cell E vs Time").fill(hadbhit.getTime(),hadbhit.getEnergy());
-//              HADBESum += hadbhit.getEnergy();
               HADBESum += hadbhit.getRawEnergy();
@@ -228,11 +231,13 @@
       ESumBTotCAL = EMBESum + HADBESum;
       nhitsBTotCAL = nhitsEMB + nhitsHADB;
-      aida.cloud2D("NHits EM B vs EM B Calib ESum").fill(EMBESum/_sfEMB,nhitsEMB);
+      aida.cloud2D("NHits EM B vs EM B Calib ESum").fill(EMBESumC,nhitsEMB);
       aida.cloud2D("NHits HAD B vs HAD B Vis ESum").fill(HADBESum,nhitsHADB);
-      if (EMBESum/_sfEMB < 0.40)
+//      aida.cloud1D("Pho E first 20").fill(EEMlowE);
+//      aida.cloud1D("Pho E last 10").fill(EEMhighE);
+      if (EMBESumC < 0.40)
-          aida.cloud1D("EM B Calib ESum, mips only").fill(EMBESum/_sfEMB);
+          aida.cloud1D("EM B Calib ESum, mips only").fill(EMBESumC);
           aida.cloud1D("NHits EM B, mips only").fill(nhitsEMB); 
           aida.cloud1D("NHits HAD B, EM B mips only").fill(nhitsHADB);
           aida.cloud1D("HAD B ESum, EM mips only").fill(nhitsHADB/_sfHB);
@@ -249,9 +254,9 @@
       aida.cloud1D("Total B CAL NHits").fill(nhitsBTotCAL);     
       aida.cloud1D("Total B CAL Vis ESum").fill(ESumBTotCAL);
-      aida.cloud1D("Total B CAL EM Analog + HAD Digital ESum").fill(EMBESum/_sfEMB+nhitsHADB/_sfHB);
+      aida.cloud1D("Total B CAL EM Analog + HAD Digital ESum").fill(EMBESumC+nhitsHADB/_sfHB);
       aida.cloud1D("Total EM B Vis ESum").fill(EMBESum);
-      aida.cloud1D("Total EM B Calib ESum").fill(EMBESum/_sfEMB);
+      aida.cloud1D("Total EM B Calib ESum").fill(EMBESumC);
       aida.cloud1D("Total HAD B Vis ESum").fill(HADBESum);
       /** This section finds mip clusters in cal attached to a reconstructed (or true) track.
@@ -638,7 +643,7 @@
 //              aida.cloud1D("Num of hits in had cluster").fill(nnclus.getCalorimeterHits().size());
-      if (hbclusters.size() > 0) event.put("HADBNNClusters",hbclusters);
       //  map hits in cluster to their cluster for combining later
       Map<CalorimeterHit, Cluster> hbnnhitclus = new HashMap<CalorimeterHit, Cluster>();
       for (Cluster hbcluster : hbclusters)
@@ -721,7 +726,6 @@
       if (phoclusters.size() > 0) event.put("PhoBClusters",phoclusters);
-      if (ebshowclusters.size() > 0) event.put("EBShowClusters",ebshowclusters);
       double PhoClusE = 0;
       aida.cloud1D("Num Photon B Clusters").fill(phoclusters.size());
@@ -730,15 +734,7 @@
           PhoClusE += phocluster.getEnergy()/_sfEMB;
       aida.cloud1D("Photon Cluster E").fill(PhoClusE);
-      double EMShowClusE = 0;
-      aida.cloud1D("Num EM B Shower Clusters").fill(ebshowclusters.size());
-      for (Cluster ebshowcluster : ebshowclusters)
-      {
-          EMShowClusE += ebshowcluster.getEnergy()/_sfEMB;
-      }
-      aida.cloud1D("EM Shower Cluster E").fill(EMShowClusE);
       //  make a map linking hits to EBShower clusters
       Map<CalorimeterHit, Cluster> ebshowhitclus = new HashMap<CalorimeterHit, Cluster>();
       for (Cluster ebshowcluster : ebshowclusters)
@@ -769,6 +765,7 @@
           double treshE = 0;
           double trhshE = 0;
           double trtotE = 0;
+          int niter = 1;
 //          aida.cloud1D("Track Momentum").fill(trbpp[i]);
           //  first, check for track-cell match with a mip cluster at last mip layer (IntLay[i]-1)
 //          System.out.println("IL = " + IntLay[i]);
@@ -787,9 +784,11 @@
                   aida.cloud1D("Mip E per Track").fill(trmipE);
                   aida.cloud1D("Track E over P after adding mips").fill(trmipE/trbpp[i]);
-              for (Cluster ebshowcluster : ebshowclusters)
+              do {
+              for (Iterator<Cluster> ieclus = ebshowclusters.iterator(); ieclus.hasNext();)
-                  List<CalorimeterHit> ebshowhits = ebshowcluster.getCalorimeterHits();
+                  Cluster eclus =;
+                  List<CalorimeterHit> ebshowhits = eclus.getCalorimeterHits();
                   int ntsh=0;
                   double tsd=99;
                   for (CalorimeterHit ebshowhit : ebshowhits)
@@ -805,21 +804,24 @@
                       double tsdelph = Math.abs(shhph-trbphi[i][IntLay[i]]);
                       if (tsdelph > Math.PI) tsdelph = 2*Math.PI-tsdelph;
                       tsd = Math.sqrt(tsdelth*tsdelth+tsdelph*tsdelph);
-                      aida.cloud1D("Track-Cell Distance in Track EM Shower Cluster").fill(tsd);
-                      if (tsd<0.075) ntsh++;
+                      if (tsd < 0.1) aida.cloud1D("Track-Cell Distance in Track EM Shower Cluster").fill(tsd);
+                      if (tsd<niter*0.01) ntsh++;
                   aida.cloud1D("Number of cell matches per EM shower").fill(ntsh);
                   if (ntsh > 0) 
-                      tcclus.addCluster(ebshowcluster);
-                      treshE += ebshowcluster.getEnergy()/_sfEMB;
+                      tcclus.addCluster(eclus);
+                      treshE += eclus.getEnergy()/_sfEMB;
                       aida.cloud1D("Track E over P after adding EM shower").fill((trmipE+treshE)/trbpp[i]);
-                      treshmap.put(i, ebshowcluster);
+                      treshmap.put(i, eclus);
+                      ieclus.remove();
-              for (Cluster hbcluster : hbclusters)
+              for (Iterator<Cluster> ihclus = hbclusters.iterator(); ihclus.hasNext();)
-                  List<CalorimeterHit> hbhits = hbcluster.getCalorimeterHits();
+                  Cluster hclus =;
+                  List<CalorimeterHit> hbhits = hclus.getCalorimeterHits();
                   int nthsh=0;
                   double thsd=99;
                   for (CalorimeterHit hbhit : hbhits)
@@ -835,46 +837,69 @@
                       double thdelph = Math.abs(hhph-trbphi[i][_numbemlayers+5]);
                       if (thdelph > Math.PI) thdelph = 2*Math.PI-thdelph;
                       thsd = Math.sqrt(thdelth*thdelth+thdelph*thdelph);
-                      aida.cloud1D("Track-shower Distance in Track HAD Shower Cluster").fill(thsd);
-                      if (thsd<0.15) nthsh++;
+                      if (thsd < 0.1) aida.cloud1D("Track-shower Distance in Track HAD Shower Cluster").fill(thsd);
+                      if (thsd<niter*0.025) nthsh++;
                   aida.cloud1D("Number of cell matches per HAD shower").fill(nthsh);
                   if (nthsh > 0) 
-                      tcclus.addCluster(hbcluster);
-                      trhshE += hbcluster.getCalorimeterHits().size()/_sfHB;
+                      tcclus.addCluster(hclus);
+                      trhshE += hclus.getCalorimeterHits().size()*_neupi/_sfHB;
+//                      System.out.println("Added " + hclus.getCalorimeterHits().size() + " hits to track match");
                       aida.cloud1D("Track E over P after adding HAD shower").fill((trmipE+treshE+trhshE)/trbpp[i]);
-                      trhshmap.put(i, hbcluster);
+                      trhshmap.put(i, hclus);
+                      ihclus.remove();
+//              System.out.println(" Iteration number = " + niter);              
+//              System.out.println("E over P ratio = " + (trmipE+treshE+trhshE)/trbpp[i]);
+              if (niter == 4) break;
+              niter++;
+              } while ((trmipE+treshE+trhshE)/trbpp[i] < 0.95);
           trtotE += trmipE+treshE+trhshE;
-          aida.cloud1D("Track E over P").fill(trtotE/trbpp[i]);
+          if (trtotE > 0) aida.cloud1D("Track E over P").fill(trtotE/trbpp[i]);
           trcaclusmap.put(i, tcclus);
       if (trkcalclusters.size() > 0) event.put("TrClMatClusters",trkcalclusters);
 //      aida.cloud1D("Number of Track/CAL Matches").fill(trkcalclusters.size());
-      //  Compare E of Clusters to P of Track
-      for (Integer itrack : itracks)
+      //  if there are any EM shhower clusters left, put to event
+      if (ebshowclusters.size() > 0) event.put("EBShowClusters",ebshowclusters);
+      double EMShowClusE = 0;
+      aida.cloud1D("Num EM B Shower Clusters").fill(ebshowclusters.size());
+      for (Cluster ebshowcluster : ebshowclusters)
-          double EMmipE = 0;  double HmipE = 0;  double EMshowE = 0;  double HshowE = 0;
-          if (trcaclusmap.get(itrack) != null)
-          {
-          if (tremipmap.get(itrack) != null) EMmipE = tremipmap.get(itrack).getEnergy()/_sfEMB;
-          if (trhmipmap.get(itrack) != null) HmipE = trhmipmap.get(itrack).getCalorimeterHits().size()/_sfHB;
-          if (treshmap.get(itrack) != null) EMshowE = treshmap.get(itrack).getEnergy()/_sfEMB;
-          if (trhshmap.get(itrack) != null) HshowE = trhshmap.get(itrack).getCalorimeterHits().size()/_sfHB;
-          aida.cloud1D("EM mip E per track").fill(EMmipE);
-          aida.cloud1D("HAD mip E per track").fill(HmipE);
-          aida.cloud1D("EM shower E per track").fill(EMshowE);
-          aida.cloud1D("HAD shower E per track").fill(HshowE);
-          double trcalE = EMmipE+HmipE+EMshowE+HshowE;
-          double trcalP = trbpp[itrack];
-          if (trcalE/trcalP > 0) aida.cloud1D("E over P of TrackCAL match").fill(trcalE/trcalP);
-          }
-      }   
+          EMShowClusE += ebshowcluster.getEnergy()/_sfEMB;
+      }
+      aida.cloud1D("EM Shower Cluster E").fill(EMShowClusE);
+      if (hbclusters.size() > 0) event.put("HADBNNClusters",hbclusters);
+      //  Compare E of Clusters to P of Track - this doesn't work - must only
+      //  be able to map one cluster to one track
+//      for (Integer itrack : itracks)
+//      {
+//          double EMmipE = 0;  double HmipE = 0;  double EMshowE = 0;  double HshowE = 0;
+//          if (trcaclusmap.get(itrack) != null)
+//          {
+//          if (tremipmap.get(itrack) != null) EMmipE = tremipmap.get(itrack).getEnergy()/_sfEMB;
+//          if (trhmipmap.get(itrack) != null) HmipE = trhmipmap.get(itrack).getCalorimeterHits().size()/(_sfHB*1.15);
+//          if (treshmap.get(itrack) != null) EMshowE = treshmap.get(itrack).getEnergy()/_sfEMB;
+//          if (trhshmap.get(itrack) != null) HshowE = trhshmap.get(itrack).getCalorimeterHits().size()/(_sfHB*1.15);
+//          aida.cloud1D("EM mip E per track").fill(EMmipE);
+//          aida.cloud1D("HAD mip E per track").fill(HmipE);
+//          aida.cloud1D("Total CAL mip E per track").fill(EMmipE+HmipE);
+//          aida.cloud1D("EM shower E per track").fill(EMshowE);
+//          aida.cloud1D("HAD shower E per track").fill(HshowE);
+//          aida.cloud1D("Total CAL shower E per track").fill(EMshowE+HshowE);
+//          aida.cloud1D("Total CAL E per track").fill(EMshowE+HshowE+EMmipE+HmipE);
+//          double trcalE = EMmipE+HmipE+EMshowE+HshowE;
+//          double trcalP = trbpp[itrack];
+//          if (trcalE/trcalP > 0) aida.cloud1D("E over P of TrackCAL match").fill(trcalE/trcalP);
+//          }
+//      }   
       //  get some MC info to compare
       int npho=0;  int nneu=0;  int nchar=0;
@@ -922,8 +947,8 @@
-//      if (neuE+charE+phoE > 75)
-//      {
+      if (neuE+charE+phoE > 75)
+      {
           aida.cloud1D("Num MC Photons").fill(npho);
           aida.cloud1D("True Photon E").fill(phoE);
           aida.cloud1D("True Photon E - Photon Cluster E").fill(phoE-PhoClusE);
@@ -944,7 +969,7 @@
           aida.cloud1D("Charged Particle E Sum").fill(charE);
           aida.cloud2D("Num MC Photons vs Num Photon Clusters").fill(npho,phoclusters.size());
           aida.cloud2D("Num Swum MC Charged Particles vs Num Trk Cal Clusters").fill(itracks.size(),trkcalclusters.size());
-//      }
+      }
    //  end of everything in event   
CVSspam 0.2.8